WordPress Page Load Speed


If you’re a content producer using WordPress, this tip is for you.

Google has a lot of emphasis on how fast your site loads and I bring that up because a lot of times Google is a primary source of traffic for people who are creating content.

It’s a good idea to know how fast or how slow your site is.
There’s a couple services that I recommend one is Google page insights, they give you a let’s say, a comprehensive view in my opinion not a lot of detail.

What I like better is gtmetrix.com It’s free, you can sign up which I recommend because you get a little more details. Go there, put in your URL, click Submit, and then look at the information they give back.
The biggest piece of or the biggest useful information is your timings that they provide. Then also the waterfall view this gives you a chance to figure out what’s slowing your site down if there’s a problem and then how fast your site is basically just coming up and then displaying so i’d recommend that for Page Speed for WordPress.